Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council in partnership with the Land Development Agency announce plans for 598 new homes at Shanganagh, Shankill, Co. Dublin
19 Dec 2019)
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council in partnership with the Land Development Agency (LDA) have announced plans to deliver 598 new homes at Shanganagh in Shankill, Co. Dublin. This partnership enables the Council to fast-track the delivery of much-needed homes.
The proposed development will incorporate state-of-the-art sustainable design principles, combining sustainable density, high-quality materials, environment-friendly techniques and dedicated measures to enhance the attractiveness of the development as a place to live for families and individuals, in addition to promoting car-free living to the greatest extent possible given its proximity to quality transport connections.
This significant development will be one of the first projects to be backed by the LDA, which was established by the Government to unlock State land for new homes and improve the supply of new homes throughout Ireland.
It will include (subject to planning permission and the final decision of the Council’s elected members):
- 307 cost-rental homes, which will offer long-term security of tenure to people who struggle to access homes at affordable levels
- 200 social homes
- 91 affordable purchase homes
The development is consistent with the Council’s ambition to exceed its housing targets and the LDA’s mandate to deliver new homes on publicly owned land, helping to address the current supply shortage and to make access to homes more affordable for both buyers and renters.
51% of the proposed development will be devoted to cost rental homes, which is a new form of tenure in Ireland and will result in more affordable rents for households who struggle to pay private rents.
The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Eoghan Murphy TD, said:
“I welcome this joint initiative between the Land Development Agency and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council to deliver 598 new homes in Shanganagh, Shankhill. The Government established the LDA last year as the State’s developer to deliver strategic sites for new homes and to work with other State bodies and local authorities to deliver more affordable housing. This will be the first of many housing projects that the LDA will help deliver over the coming months and years.”
An Cathaoirleach, Councillor Shay Brennan said:
“This is excellent news for people looking to buy or rent a home in our area and will make a significant contribution to meeting the Council’s social housing requirements and will provide an opportunity for people to purchase or rent a home at an affordable cost.
The development will offer people an attractive place to live that is close to key transport links and supported by a wide range of local amenities. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the LDA to complete these homes and have people living in them as soon as possible.”
LDA Chief Executive John Coleman said:
“This landmark development for the LDA is the first of many projects in our pipeline. It will be one of the largest residential construction projects in Ireland and is a major statement of our intent to help renters, buyers and people in need of social housing with large-scale delivery of high-quality new homes. It also points to the effectiveness of the LDA and the potential to work with local authorities and other public landowner partners.
This development will offer renters long-term security of tenure while also adding to the supply of social and affordable housing in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown area. Its proximity to the planned DART and BusConnects transport options is consistent with our ethos of engendering reduced need for car journeys.
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council is an excellent partner and we are grateful to the Council members, its executive team and its staff for the ambition, expertise and co-operation they have brought to getting the project to this stage.
This project is an excellent example of what can be achieved by local authorities and the LDA by working towards our shared goal of delivering more homes.”
Notes to editors
Imagery of the proposed development is attached.
A planning application will be submitted by the Council to An Bord Pleanála next month.
The proposed development comprises a diverse range of home types and focuses on sustainable density levels. It features a wide range of ancillary facilities including (subject to planning):
- a crèche to take care of children living at the development
- a gym which will be available to all residents
- In excess of 1,200 bicycle spaces
- a local shop and café to create a sense of community
- communal lounge areas, community space and function rooms which can be used for social events and will engender community integration
- business pods and co-working units which will assist tenants who work from home or run small businesses
- a central energy centre which provides heating and hot water in the most sustainable and efficient way
- concierge and storage facilities for tenants to secure their belongings in a safe manner
- electric car charging points from commencement, with all spaces future proofed for additional charging points
- shared car facility
- children’s play areas
The site occupies approximately 9 hectares and is zoned for residential development. It is adjacent to Shanganagh Castle, Shanganagh Park and Castle Farm and will be within 5 to 10 minutes’ walk of the proposed DART station at Woodbrook and BusConnects route on the nearby Dublin Road (N11).
The proposed development also includes new pedestrian and cycle connections.
The scheme has been designed to the passive house standard which offers a highly sustainable and efficient design.
Further details of the proposed development will be available once the planning application is lodged.